03. März 1877 - 15:00 - Kennington Oval, Lambeth - London - England - Freundschaftsspiel - Zuschauer: 2000


England - Schottland 1:3 (0:1)


0:1 John Ferguson 25'

0;2 James Richmond 48'

1:2 Alf Lyttelton 55'

1:3 John Ferguson 69'


England: Monty Betts (Old Harrovians AFC, London), William Lindsay (Wanderers FC, London), Lindsay Bury (Cambridge University AFC, Cambridge), Beaumont Jarrett (Cambridge University AFC, Cambridge), Charles Wollaston (Wanderers FC, London), Alf Lyttelton (Cambridge University AFC, Cambridge), Billy Mosforth (Sheffield Albion FC, Sheffield), Arthur Cursham (Notts County FC, Nottingham), John Bain (Oxford University AFC, Oxford), Cecil Wingfield-Stratford (Royal Engineers AFC, Chatham), William Rawson (K) (Oxford University, Oxford).


Schottland: Alex McGeoch (Dumbreck FC, Glasgow), Robert Neill (Queens Park FC, Glasgow), Tom Vallance (Rangers FC, Glasgow), Charlie Campbell (K), (Queens Park FC, Glasgow), James Phillips (Queen's Park FC, Glasgow), James Richmond (Clydesdale FC, Glasgow), Billy MacKinnon (Queens Park FC , Glasgow), John McGregor (Vale of Leven FC, Alexandria), John McDougall (Vale of Leven FC, Alexandria)John Smith (Mauchline FC, Mauchline), John Ferguson (Vale of Leven FC, Alexandria)


Schiedsrichter: Robert Oglivie (England)


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